north carolina breast augmentation
Breast Enlargement Cosmetic Surgery - North Carolina Breast Augmentation
Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement cosmetic surgery, or augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. There are several reasons patients choose to have a breast enlargement:
  • To enhance the size of the breasts
  • To correct a reduction in breast volume after pregnancy
  • To balance a difference in asymmetry
  • For reconstruction following breast surgery
North Carolina Breast Augmentation procedures by Dr. Anagnos increases the bust line by inserting an implant behind each breast. The implant is a silicone shell filled with either silicone gel or a salt-water solution known as saline. Currently, the FDA has restricted gel-filled implants to women participating in approved studies.

Dr. Anagnos will evaluate your health and explain the surgical techniques that are most appropriate for you. Be sure to think carefully about your expectations for the Breast Enlargement Cosmetic surgery, and communicate them to Dr. Anagnos. He will also explain the anesthesia to be used, the facility where the surgery will take place, and any costs involved with the surgery. Also, be sure to alert him if you smoke, or if you're taking any medications, including vitamins.

The type of surgery will depend on your anatomy. The incision can be made in several places, including just under the breast, where it meets the chest, around the areola, or in the armpit. Through the incision, the breast tissue and skin will be lifted to create a pocket for the implant. The implant can be placed behind the breast tissue or underneath the chest wall muscle. Drainage tubes may be inserted for several days after the surgery. Implant placement underneath the chest wall muscle may interfere less with mammograms, however it may be more painful for a few days following the surgery.

The surgery typically takes one to two hours. Stitches are used to close the incisions, which are sometimes taped for extra support. A gauze bandage is usually applied to help with healing.

Most patients are up and around in about 24 to 48 hours following the surgery, but you will likely feel tired and sore for a few days. Dressings will be removed within several days, and you may need to wear a surgical bra. Stitches are removed in 7 to 10 days, while swelling can take 3 to 5 weeks to disappear completely.

You should be able to return to work within a few days, but be sure to follow your doctor's advice with regard to exercise and normal activity. It is common to experience sensitivity in the breasts for 2 to 3 weeks after the surgery. Scars can be firm and pink for at least 6 weeks, and can even appear to widen. While most scars never disappear completely, after several months they will begin to fade.

Routine mammograms should be continued after breast enlargement for women in the appropriate age group. Technicians should use a special technique to ensure a reliable reading.

Breast enlargement Cosmetic Surgery is relatively straightforward, but all surgery carries some uncertainty and risk. A common problem is capsular contracture, where the scar or capsule around the implant begins to tighten. This tightening can cause the breast to feel hard. It can be treated in several ways, sometimes requiring removal of the scar tissue or removal/replacement of the implant.

Common surgical risks of breast enlargement cosmetic surgery include excessive bleeding that may cause some swelling and pain. A small percentage of women develop an infection around the implant. It is most often seen within a week after surgery. The implant may need to be removed for several months to allow the infection to clear up.

Some patients have experienced their nipples becoming oversensitive, undersensitive, or even numb. You may notice small areas of numbness near your incisions. These symptoms usually disappear with time, but can be permanent in some cases. Breast implants may break or leak occasionally. This can occur as a result of injury or from the normal compression and movement of your breast and implant. Talk to Dr. Anagnos about the different effects of breaking/leakage from saline versus silicone gel implants.

Be sure to discuss all the risks with your doctor to ensure that you understand the risks and consequences of the surgery.

Photo Gallery :: Breast Enlargement

  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • before, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation
  • after, breast augmentation

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us at 828-268-0082, email us, or use our online request form.

"Thank you :). You're the first plastic surgeon I've met that doesn't try to "sell" you something (bigger size implants, etc.) OR act like a salesman (that's a good thing)." A.N.




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